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4 success factors to kick-start your AI journey

Written by Sargon Danho & Arthur Segercrantz | Oct 26, 2023 8:52:55 AM


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a machine’s ability to perform tasks we usually associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, reacting, and exercising creativity. Recent technological advancements in AI have made it easier than ever for companies to improve business performance by re-imaging human tasks with technology.


Are you exploring or evaluating how to enhance your business performance with AI? We want to share our experience in this field together with two customer cases to be inspired by!


Case 1 - Boosting Profitability with AI

A professional services company, faced operational bottlenecks and inefficiency due to high level of manual processes, limiting their ability to scale-up.

To address this, we, in close collaboration with the company, developed a digital assistant that enabled growth without added manual labor. Employees were able to allocate more time to value-adding activities by outsourcing tasks to the digital assistant by email. Upon task completion, the employees received a response with the requested task attached.

One example of a task that was automated was the initial contract drafting for new customers in the contract system. In total, the digital assistant reduced manual work in scope by up to 50% and it also generated a strong buy-in at the organization.


Case 2 - Combining workflows with AI

Another one of our customers, operating in the real estate industry, faced significant challenges due to a heavy burden of manual work associated with the registration of various types of data. With multiple input systems in place and each system linked to highly personalized processes, every request is subject to a prolonged and often inefficient journey through multiple interconnected systems.

Upon the introduction of a “virtual colleague”, the different process pipelines originating from different sources were consolidated. This allowed users to submit requests that were either partially completed or fully finished. The "virtual colleague" would then generate predictions, return the request to the user for validation, and subsequently complete the registration process.

Thanks to the new “virtual colleague”, the manual execution time within the organization decreased by 35% within the first six months. Ongoing refinements of processes helps unlock efficiencies and time for value-adding activities within the organization.


Key Learnings from Successful AI Implementations

Artificial intelligence is no longer a technology for tomorrow, it is more ready than ever to excel your business. To support your future AI journey, we have summarized the key success factors that we have identified, to drive successful AI implementations:

  1. Focus on the Business Challenge: Initiate your AI journey by addressing business-related challenges, rather than focusing on the adoption of a specific technology.
  2. Start small, then scale: Reducing the time from idea to proof-of-concept will mitigate risks and accelerate the realization of business value.
  3. Collaborate across functions: Involving both business and IT ensures that you have a holistic perspective, which will enable a more effective and sustainable implementation.
  4. Empower People with Technology: Successful AI initiatives amplify human potential, creating synergy between technology and people. Adopting this mindset will improve employee engagement and trust in AI.


Are you curious about how you can boost your company’s performance using technology? Reach out to us to learn more about how you can get started or advance!

Click here to read our previous article about the importance of a proper AI integration strategy